Best Technology Use for Your Business

Best Technology use for Your Business

According to some star-eyed entrepreneurs, the only way to become truly rich financially and personally—in other words, to get unreasonably rich—is to start your own business.

It’s hard to understand the total number of startups launched worldwide from the Silicon Roundabout to Silicon Valley. According to a recent GEM Global report, about 100 million businesses are launched annually; 

Which comes in at three businesses per second or 11,000 new startups per hour. For these small business owners worldwide who compete against the big guns every day, technology is an essential tool that is leveling the playing field for these entrepreneurs.

If the technology is well applied, small businesses have the potential to grow. A single Amazon book could become a series; a single hotdog stand can mushroom into a national franchise. The growing use of the Internet, smartphones, app development, and other cutting-edge technologies has forced many businesses to go online to serve a wider audience.

Using the right technology can make business processes more flexible, such as facilitating communication, securing your data, improving customer care, and speeding up business processes.

Below are my best technology picks for ringing in the new year, increasing small business owners’ profits, and helping them stay ahead of competitors.


1. Augmented Reality Device

When business ideas are shown, they are better acknowledged than told. The question of the future of augmented reality has disappeared since the introduction of Microsoft HoloLens glasses. The company recently announced that the AR headset will be available early next year. Businesses can use augmented reality devices like Microsoft’s HoloLens to showcase designs, work together remotely, and develop real-world things. These AR devices provide a unique opportunity to animate products and information.


2. Wireless conference room

Every small and large company needs meeting space to discuss strategy and progress with the team. Many companies are adopting a wireless meeting solution that connects offices, team members, and clients regardless of location. One such solution is the VIA Line of Collaboration Tools, produced by Kramer, designed to take you to the conference room wherever your team is.

VIA allows companies to stream videos and presentations wirelessly across different conference rooms. These distinctive features help companies meet outside the general presentation and enable employees to work together.


3. Internet of Things

The Internet of Things offers various consumer-oriented technologies, from bright lights to connected security cameras. Companies use IoT devices like connected sensors and cameras to monitor productivity and efficiency. As IoT increases in the workplace, it will accelerate employee mobility and allow team members to be more productive—regardless of their position in the world.


4. Cloud computing

Most people are unaware of the purpose of the “cloud,” which affects how we use technology every day. Cloud computing allows a centralized data database system to be accessed through a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or other Internet-enabled device.

Despite its popularity, many companies have still failed to adopt cloud computing in any form. Cloud computing can help companies improve their products and services and internal communication. It lets Employees access data, functionality, or any other necessary component.


5. Wearable technology

With the introduction of wearable technology, such as smartwatches and the obsolete Google Glass, people have changed how they communicate with the world around them. Most of these wearable devices are dedicated to health and fitness tracking. This allows businesses to promote a healthy and active lifestyle by equipping their employees with wearable fitness trackers.

Predicting how each technology will affect your business or workforce is impossible. Still, it is essential to be aware of the industry’s technological development to get their feedback before your competitors. You have to be more discriminating with your help toward other people. Stay updated in 2016 and beyond!







Best Technology Use for Your Business


Author: Hossain

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